Sustainable Alternatives – Technologies

By addressing these concerns and offering sustainable alternatives like our ANAB-TEXT technology, we aim to meet the increasing demand for safe, eco-friendly, and high-performance textiles that contribute to a healthier and greener future.


 Indoor threats: Our indoor environments are constantly exposed to viruses, bacteria, molds, yeasts, and pollens, posing risks to our health and well-being.

●  Harmful conventional textiles: Conventional anti-microbial textiles often rely on harmful chemicals like triclosan or silver nanoparticles, which have negative effects on consumer health and the environment.

●  Antibiotic resistance: Overuse of these chemicals can contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, further compromising public health.

●  Adverse health effects: Exposure to these chemicals can lead to skin irritation, hormonal disruptions, and other health problems.

●  Environmental impact: These chemicals can accumulate in the environment, causing pollution and ecosystem degradation.

 Growing demand for sustainability: There is an increasing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly products, with 73% of global consumers expressing their willingness to change consumption habits to reduce their environmental impact. Additionally, 87% of consumers prefer to support companies that advocate for causes they care about (Cone Communications survey).